Page name: Stay At MySpace [Logged in view] [RSS]
2012-02-15 03:42:58
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Stay At Myspace

I know there are probably several variations of this sort of wiki, but my frustration continues to rise at the annoying people who come here seeking friends. These people have nothing to contribute but usually bad pics of themselves asking what we think of them and nothing original in their house. I say we take a stand and tell these losers to stay where they belong: at MySpace. Elftown is a site for artists/writers, not an online friends bar, STOP TREATING IT AS SUCH!! If you share my feelings, please join and link back to this wiki in your house.

NOTE: This does not mean I am against people making friends here, far from it! I am simply against people who come here SOLELY for that. Please show your support by linking back to us!

1. [Chaotic Serenity]
2. [Raesha]
3. [Saphira]
4. [Fearathress]
5. [Thrice]
6. [XxTsomexX]
7. [FrankoPhWN]
8. [Nike Laos]
9. [1BadassWarrior]
10. [Love and Chaos]
11. [the loved wolf]
12. [Jitter]
13. [Cia_mar]
14. [Vou]
15. [DeadSockMonster]
17. [SpiritOfTheWater]
18. [nopenope]
19. [{SaRcAsTiC *lOsS *oF* tHe *SuBcOnSiOuS*}]
20. [neoqueen serenity]
21. [{*Suna's Kazekage*} Gaara]
22. [.Toxic Valentine.]
23. [Duke Devlin]
24. [TheKingdomLight]
25. [*(.Randi.)*]
26. [Hobbit teen]
27. [Erubeus] Even though I have a myspace... =x
28. [silent_voice] I likerz this, *posts in diary*
29. [Roxcie] Can't stand those people -_-
30.[Aki Neko]Umm....note the "Fantasy" comunnity? Not "Welcome and join with everyperson you seee"Commnity!!!
31. [†Sweets†] I have a myspace, but only so i can keep in touch with some of my friends.
32. [Mordigen] - i have a myspace too....but thats just it, i leave my BULLSHIT on my muspace, and my art on ET...duh, this isn't a cyber brothrel....
33. [Angel In Red] I dont have myspace.. but even i know to keep the rubbish in my head to a limit, so yeah... guess this wiki rocks... why? Because The Red said so.
34. [Nevermore.] arrrrg!
35. [Ansem]
36. [The Dark Wolf] why you say?... CUSE MYSPACE SUX!!!!!
37. [Vampire Akis] Yep yep Silenty's right ^^
38. [~`~Wolf~`~] I might have a myspace, but that's only to talk to the friends who aren't into fantasy as much as I am. And these people who are here that don't deserve to be are starting to piss me off.
39. [*Night_Shade*] Bah.
40. [Glassphyxie.]
41. [Silver Moon] I hate it when you see polls like: "Do you think i am Hot?" It's sick and usually the answer is NO! I think you are an ass for asking!
42. [Piercedskull] I dont have a myspace.I dont want one.But I agree with this wiki completely.
43. [Dark_Superman] I have one but only to stay in touch with some friends. But I agree as well, death to the sell out that is thus Tom.
44. [de Morte] I tried myspace awhile ago... but it sickened me so much that I had to delete the old account! If your friends are truly your friends then you can stay in contact WITHOUT myspace!
45.[alli.DEADFAYCE.] myspace whores go to myspace. elftown whore stay here. plan and simple.
46. [▲.] This is definitely a place for art, and since I'm an artist this just happens to be the place to be. However, even though MySpace has it's downs, it's still a lovely way to keep in contact. If you abuse the way you use the site, then so be it, some are likely to complain about it. I ask that people don't dis either site, since Elftown has it's own fair share of downs.
47. [Fetish Dolly Koneko™] I started at ET and then went to Myspace and I have enough brains to know where to keep certain things. I love them each for what they are and they should remain different places.
48. [loonygirl2005] AMEN TO THAT! This is a place for artist to actually reach out. Yes you have the option of posting art but they aren't really appricated unless you are famous. Myspace is a purely social place where anything goes but here. This is a sanctuary for all artists to express themselves without the need for cybering. So for those who need to be hot and compared to stars go do that on myspace.
49. [wicked fae mage] Perverts can stay at myspace to tell people they look hawt and wanna cyber. We're artists against perverts!
50. [the mad hatter2] who gets off to cybering? its really stupid
51. [MyAlterEgo] If I wanted to read that stupid shit, I'd be on myspace. I come here for a dose of humanity.
52. [*Phoenix*] Does anyone else find it funny that, at the beginning of member lists, no one makes a comment, then 1 person does and everyone after follows; therefore making the only way to be noticed to NOT put something even though the first person who has a comment was doing the opposite?
53. [Gypsy Mystik]- I agree.... I love being able to be creative here, truly creative.
54. [The Dizzy Raven]

Take Elftown Back

Username (or number or email):


2007-08-10 [*(.Randi.)*]: *<( ^_^ )>* *cheerleader kirby*

2007-08-10 [†Sweets†]: XD

2007-08-11 [TheKingdomLight]: eek *runs* im not ilit i swear!

2007-08-11 [†Sweets†]: ilit?

2007-08-11 [TheKingdomLight]: don't ask -.-

2007-08-11 [†Sweets†]: o.0

2007-08-12 [*(.Randi.)*]: -confused-

2007-08-12 [Fearathress]: *Is very confused.*

2007-08-12 [Aki Neko]: MEEP!

2007-08-12 [Angel In Red]: .... ok so i was drunk..

2007-08-12 [Aki Neko]: I KNEW IT!!!!!!!!!

2007-08-12 [*(.Randi.)*]: *laughs*

2007-08-12 [~`~Wolf~`~]: ummm...

2007-08-12 [Aki Neko]: *Points*

2007-08-12 [*(.Randi.)*]: What?

2007-08-12 [Aki Neko]: *At Red8

2007-08-12 [Fearathress]: lol

2007-08-12 [Aki Neko]: XD

2007-08-12 [†Sweets†]: we win!

2007-08-12 [Aki Neko]: XD

2007-08-12 [Fearathress]: lol

2007-08-12 [†Sweets†]: ...i cant stop shaking...

2007-08-12 [Aki Neko]: Me either....Someone that scared me came on..Oo

2007-08-12 [Fearathress]: 0.o

2007-08-12 [Aki Neko]: Dun ask....

2007-08-12 [†Sweets†]: well, [TheGhost] (you went to his page, so i know you know who im talking about) hes my boyfriend, and hes all like "i need to talk to you aout something" freaked me out...

2007-08-12 [Aki Neko]: Uh oh...

2007-08-12 [†Sweets†]: basically, so i asked him what was up, and he said he'll call me and tell me, so i asked if anything was wrong, and e said everythings fine...

2007-08-12 [Fearathress]: Uh oh.. that is scarry..

2007-08-12 [Aki Neko]: *Nods*

2007-08-12 [†Sweets†]: your telling me???

2007-08-12 [Angel In Red]: hmm, you shud kick him for scaring u..

2007-08-12 [Aki Neko]: XD Oo

2007-08-12 [†Sweets†]: nah

2007-08-12 [Angel In Red]: hmm.. you know u dont say much do you aki?

2007-08-12 [Aki Neko]: Not right now...*Ish waiting for someone to come on*

2007-08-12 [Fearathress]: *sits back and watches*

2007-08-12 [Angel In Red]: Evo right?

2007-08-12 [Aki Neko]: <....YOU HAD TO SAY IT ALOUD!!!!!!!

2007-08-12 [Angel In Red]: *jumps in the air* im sorry..but it was so obvious

2007-08-12 [Aki Neko]: THEN QUIT READING MY DIARY!!!*Chases*

2007-08-12 [Angel In Red]: *stops dead on the spot and turns around slamming my hand into ur chest* I know that hurts. but serves u right. lol.

2007-08-12 [Aki Neko]: *Falls over*Damn youuuuuuuuuu..........~~~~~~

2007-08-12 [Angel In Red]: *breathes in deeply* not in the mood. evo will come online, when the dude can come online.

2007-08-12 [Aki Neko]: I know.....*Gets up*Off the suject please/

2007-08-12 [Fearathress]: hmm ihave this song on my mind

2007-08-12 [Angel In Red]: yeah... id try and tease u or something but im not exactly in the mood.

2007-08-12 [Aki Neko]: *Shakes head*

2007-08-12 [Fearathress]: God i am on a Rodney Atkins mood.

2007-08-12 [Angel In Red]: *sighs and lies down on the floor* one idiot... two idiots... three idiots... four... idiots...

2007-08-12 [Aki Neko]: XD

2007-08-12 [Fearathress]: ..

2007-08-12 [Angel In Red]: im talking about myself guys its okay...

*closes eyes* one stupid idiot, two stupid idiots, three stupid idiots...

2007-08-12 [†Sweets†]: all better!!! ^.^

2007-08-12 [Fearathress]: why are you saying u are an idiot?

2007-08-12 [Aki Neko]: *Coughcough*Cuz she is*Coughcough* XD

2007-08-12 [Angel In Red]: because i am. because im the stupidest most idiotist person , in the history of stupid and idiotic people.

2007-08-12 [Fearathress]: *sighs* Why do you say tis?

2007-08-12 [Aki Neko]: Thats a little far though.

2007-08-12 [Angel In Red]: because i wanna. >>

2007-08-12 [Fearathress]: *shakes her head* I am sorry, but you are not an idiot. Trust me.. it is imposiple for the female race to be idiots.

2007-08-12 [Aki Neko]: ....

2007-08-12 [Fearathress]: srry.. but females aren't idiots.. we just make silly mistakes.

2007-08-12 [Angel In Red]: i am a idiot, dont be so sexist, men can be idiots girls can be idiots, today i am the biggest idiot.

2007-08-12 [Fearathress]: Alright.. i aint be sexist.. tell then why u are the biggest idiot

2007-08-12 [Aki Neko]: Men are bigger idiots I say.....

2007-08-12 [Angel In Red]: cuz .. oh i cant explain it, i just am. JUST ACCEPT THE FACT REDS A BIG IDIOT.

2007-08-12 [†Sweets†]: lol

2007-08-12 [Fearathress]: o.O

2007-08-12 [Aki Neko]: *huggles Red*

2007-08-12 [Angel In Red]: *bats aki away* no huggling. TIS RED, YOU CANT HUG THE RED!

2007-08-12 [Fearathress]: *gives red a hug*

2007-08-12 [Angel In Red]: MY GOD PEOPLE.. WHAT ARE U DOING.. O.o!?!?

2007-08-12 [Aki Neko]: *Huggles her again* GROUP HUGGLE!!!!!!

2007-08-12 [Fearathress]: *group huggles* :P

2007-08-12 [Angel In Red]: fuck me... not literally! *runs*

2007-08-12 [Aki Neko]: *Clings*

2007-08-12 [Fearathress]: *clings*

2007-08-12 [Angel In Red]: ..these...are....the...days...*tries to remove u two*...when... you... miss..the...jackass silent...FUCKSSAKE!

2007-08-12 [Aki Neko]: *Huggles while clings* WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

2007-08-12 [Fearathress]: *is not soo easily pried off*

2007-08-12 [Angel In Red]: *gets a hammer and starts battering feara and aki* HELP!

2007-08-12 [Fearathress]: lol *continues to cling*

2007-08-12 [Aki Neko]: *Climbs up onto Red's shoulders* WEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!

2007-08-12 [Angel In Red]: thats it. if you two dont fucking well get of me, ill bloody knife ur cunts.

2007-08-12 [Fearathress]: *raises an eyebrow but gets off* That was fun. XD

2007-08-12 [Angel In Red]: *glares* twas not fun for me..

2007-08-12 [Aki Neko]: *Still on shoulders*^_^

2007-08-12 [Fearathress]: *lowers head in a sulking way*

2007-08-12 [Angel In Red]: *grabs aki and trhows her into feara's lap*

2007-08-12 [Fearathress]: *falls back* OUCH

2007-08-12 [~`~Wolf~`~]: *leans against the wall and watches*

2007-08-12 [Angel In Red]: *dusts her hands together* Hi there, tear person freezy kinda person!

2007-08-12 [Fearathress]: *moves her head and smiles at tear* Anyone help me.. Aki is heavy!!!!!!!!

2007-08-12 [Angel In Red]: *rolls eyes* some women have no muscle..

2007-08-12 [~`~Wolf~`~]: *walks over and helps get Aki off.* Call me wolf, that's my original...i just got tired of it in my name...

2007-08-12 [Angel In Red]: ah.

2007-08-12 [~`~Wolf~`~]: yeah
you've met me red
you act like i'm a person you've never seen before

2007-08-12 [Angel In Red]: well since uve changed ur name tis hard to keep up with people on et..

2007-08-12 [~`~Wolf~`~]: yeah...
i understand...
it's just hard typing in ultra. neon.rainbow. ranger all the time and especially at 3 o'clock in the morning...

2007-08-12 [Angel In Red]: .. and 'the tears that freeze when you cry' isnt hard? lol. anywhoez.. redness go sleep now.byee.

2007-08-12 [Fearathress]: Bye Red. *Stands up and hugs wolf.* I am slow today.. how are yea?

2007-08-12 [~`~Wolf~`~]: night night
and no not as hard at least

2007-08-12 [Aki Neko]: Oo

2007-08-12 [~`~Wolf~`~]: what?

2007-08-12 [Fearathress]: :P

2007-08-12 [~`~Wolf~`~]: 0o

2007-08-12 [Fearathress]: O.o

2007-08-12 [Aki Neko]: I dunno

2007-08-12 [Fearathress]: lol

2007-08-12 [~`~Wolf~`~]: okie...

2007-08-12 [Fearathress]: WE NEED A NEW TOPIC!

2007-08-12 [~`~Wolf~`~]: like what?

2007-08-12 [Fearathress]: No clue.. but a talkative one.

2007-08-12 [Aki Neko]: Carrots!

2007-08-12 [~`~Wolf~`~]: what's there to say about carrots?

2007-08-12 [Aki Neko]: Carrots are sexy!!XDD

2007-08-12 [Fearathress]: Hmm.. they are orange and can be used in many if not all dishes

2007-08-12 [Aki Neko]: XD

2007-08-12 [Fearathress]: :P Hmm.. they are sexy.. XD

2007-08-12 [Aki Neko]: YS!

2007-08-12 [~`~Wolf~`~]: Oo...*cracks up laughing*

2007-08-12 [Fearathress]: lol

2007-08-12 [Aki Neko]: Sexy Carrots!!!A play bunny's favorite snack!

2007-08-12 [~`~Wolf~`~]: roflmfao

2007-08-12 [Fearathress]: *ROFL*

hmm well i ave to go.. need to give dog a bath and finish unpackin.. bbl hopefully.

2007-08-12 [Aki Neko]: Later!

2007-08-12 [Fearathress]: Bye.

2007-08-12 [~`~Wolf~`~]: bye bye

2007-08-12 [Aki Neko]: ^_^

2007-08-12 [~`~Wolf~`~]: hello there

2007-08-13 [Aki Neko]: Hiya!

2007-08-13 [~`~Wolf~`~]: whatcha doin?

2007-08-13 [Aki Neko]: Being not at hiome....XDDYou?

2007-08-13 [~`~Wolf~`~]: trying to find something to do before i go to bed
i'm so bored...

2007-08-13 [Aki Neko]: Im so not home....XDDD*Slightly hates it8

2007-08-13 [~`~Wolf~`~]: I don't have a home
with with my aunt until we can buy our house that we want

2007-08-13 [Aki Neko]: Oh...*Shuts up fast*

2007-08-13 [~`~Wolf~`~]: no
i don't mean it like that
i mean we're selling our house in another state and buying on here
i moved
but we can't get a house here tell we sell the other one
so yeah
and it's supose to be sold tomorrow so we'll get the house we want really soon hopefully
my aunts house is soooooo boring...

2007-08-13 [Aki Neko]: Oh....

2007-08-13 [~`~Wolf~`~]: yeah

2007-08-13 [†Sweets†]: wow i missed...

2007-08-13 [Fearathress]: morning

2007-08-13 [†Sweets†]: *grumbles*

2007-08-13 [Fearathress]: lol

2007-08-13 [†Sweets†]: *glares*

2007-08-13 [Fearathress]: whats wrong?

2007-08-13 [†Sweets†]: morning is a terriable time of day...

2007-08-13 [~`~Wolf~`~]: i agree...

2007-08-13 [*(.Randi.)*]: Not a morning person? Heh, neither am I. And yet, when school starts, I'll have to wake up at 5:00 in the morning! *cries*

2007-08-13 [†Sweets†]: thats sad...

2007-08-13 [Aki Neko]: Cha?

2007-08-13 [~`~Wolf~`~]: wow...
I don't know when i have to wake up...

2007-08-13 [Aki Neko]: XD

2007-08-13 [†Sweets†]: im not in school. i graduamated. ^.^

2007-08-13 [Fearathress]: Lucky.. i get up at 3 and go run with the pt guys and then come home at about 5 and get ready.. i am a very slow person in the morning.

2007-08-13 [Angel In Red]: meh.. i have to wake up at 4 every single morning... *falls on a heap at the floor and snores*

2007-08-13 [~`~Wolf~`~]: *looks down at red*

2007-08-13 [Fearathress]: *looks down at read sipping her coffee*

2007-08-13 [Angel In Red]: *snores loudly*

2007-08-13 [~`~Wolf~`~]: *cringes*

2007-08-13 [†Sweets†]: i can sleep til 9 ^.^

2007-08-13 [~`~Wolf~`~]: i can't...
even if i dont have school...

2007-08-13 [Fearathress]: I sleep in on the weekends but if it isnt a weekend i am up with the sun or sooner. XD

2007-08-13 [Angel In Red]: *sighs* Have to be at work 7am tommorow, its 6.20pm now and im gonna go tah bed. night all.

2007-08-13 [†Sweets†]: ew

2007-08-13 [Fearathress]: Night.

2007-08-13 [Fearathress]: Damn i have to go register wed. ><

2007-08-13 [†Sweets†]: o.0

2007-08-13 [Fearathress]: Gah... Long lines.. boring ppl...

2007-08-13 [†Sweets†]: long lines...

2007-08-13 [Fearathress]: lol.. aye.. there are about 450 people in my class

2007-08-13 [†Sweets†]: ...ok... married... class.... long lines... i missed something!

2007-08-13 [Fearathress]: lol.. who is married?

2007-08-13 [†Sweets†]: ...wait.. sorry... read wrong.

2007-08-13 [Fearathress]: lol.. i was gonna say..

2007-08-13 [†Sweets†]: you said you had to regeister on wed. i thought it said you to regeister to wed

2007-08-13 [Fearathress]: LOL.. i am only 15

2007-08-13 [†Sweets†]: <.< i didnt look...

2007-08-13 [Fearathress]: lol

2007-08-13 [†Sweets†]: <.<'

2007-08-13 [*(.Randi.)*]: heh that's funny!

2007-08-13 [Fearathress]: whats funny?

2007-08-13 [†Sweets†]: that i got confused...

2007-08-13 [Fearathress]: ahh.. srry i have been in a blonde moment for a while. XD

2007-08-13 [†Sweets†]: XD

2007-08-13 [Fearathress]: :P.. and now i am flirting

2007-08-13 [~`~Wolf~`~]: ...
*stands there and watched*

2007-08-13 [†Sweets†]: with who?

2007-08-13 [Fearathress]: three ppl

2007-08-13 [*(.Randi.)*]: uhmm....on this wiki? *takes a step back*

2007-08-13 [Fearathress]: lol.. no.

2007-08-13 [*(.Randi.)*]: Oh ok. Phew. lol.

2007-08-13 [Fearathress]: lol.. Nah over messages. XD

2007-08-14 [*Night_Shade*]: Ello?

2007-08-14 [~`~Wolf~`~]: hello...

2007-08-14 [Erubeus]: ._.

2007-08-14 [†Sweets†]: hi

2007-08-14 [Angel In Red]: hey

2007-08-14 [Erubeus]: Yo.

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